Who can answer my questions?
You may contact the HHCEF directly at grants@hhcef.net or you may contact Beth Gruber, HHCEF Vice President, Grants, at 257-5153 or beth.gruber@henhudschools.org.
You may contact the HHCEF directly at grants@hhcef.net or you may contact Beth Gruber, HHCEF Vice President, Grants, at 257-5153 or beth.gruber@henhudschools.org.
Applicants will be notified via email when their application has been approved. As soon as you are notified, you will be able to start your project. Grant recipient responsibilities: District Grant Recipients: Contact the District Office or your school’s main office to determine how to order materials, etc. All financial aspects of the grant are
The HHCEF board reviews all applications based on established criteria: Identification of need Clarity of educational objectives Method of evaluation and measurement of progress Sustainability and fit with other community/district programs Size of target population Applications are evaluated and voted on by the HHCEF board which consists of community members. The District Superintendent also sits
If your proposal was tabled due to a lack of available funds as communicated by us, then by all means resubmit it.
We will provide partial funding for projects. Please indicate your other source(s) of funding on the application.
As long as you are submitting a grant for a new project and have successfully completed all the requirements of the previous grant, you may submit another grant application. No more than one grant application per individual will be approved by the HHCEF Board during a particular grant cycle. If you do submit more than
Stipends and salaries Food or refreshments Travel Indirect overhead, e.g., as a fixed amount or percentage of the grant
Supplies and equipment Professional services, including consulting fees, honoraria & speakers’ fees Digital subscriptions, digital content or other online resources
District applicants: • Building-level: Principal approval is required on all applications • Technology request: Director of Technology approval and Principal approval if necessary • Special Education: Director of Special Education and Principal approval if necessary Community organization and other applicants: • Executive Director or other similar official must approve all applications An email indicating approval
Complete the appropriate writeable PDF grant application Obtain necessary approvals (see below) Submission: • Save the form and email it to grants@hhcef.net. • or print a hard copy and mail to: HHCEF, P.O. Box 114, Montrose, NY 10548. In-district applications can be interoffice mailed to Beth Gruber, HHSD District Office. • Reminder: Please obtain all